15 Minute HIIT with Weights
Moms are superhuman - we juggle a ton and oftentimes forget to carve out time for ourselves...but I promise you can find 15-30 minutes in your day for a little sweat session.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been proven to improve your heart health, increase fat loss, and strengthen and tone your muscles.
This week we have two rounds of workouts with 7 exercises each. We work for 1 minute each back-to-back-to-back with a 1 minute rest in between.
Make sure to give yourself some time to warm up and cool down before getting into things:
7 Exercises / 1 Minute Each Exercise / 2x through / 1 Minute Rest between Rounds
1. Squat --> overhead press
2. Standing tricep kickback
3. Russian twist w/overhead press
4. Curtsey lunge w/bicep curl
5. Standing row + standing fly
6. Deadlift --> lunge --> upright row
7. Burpees
Music to guide your workout here.
BEFORE pic from this workout